Newly diagnosed advanced prostate cancer? The ATLANTA NHS clinical trial is now recruiting men interested in receiving additional treatments to their prostate and cancer deposits.

To register interest please email

  • 47,000

    Men in the UK are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year

  • 30%

    3 in 10 prostate cancer diagnoses are already advanced

  • New Research

    Suggests treating the prostate tumour even in already advanced disease may significantly improve survival


    Will test this new research with standard and new cutting edge prostate therapies not yet available in the NHS


918 patients with biopsy and imaging proven metastatic prostate cancer, that are fit to undergo a treatment available in the trial, will be randomised to either: Focal Therapy (Intervention Arm 1), Prostatectomy or Radiotherapy (Intervention Arm 2), Standard of Care alone (Control Arm)

  • Focal Therapy & Standard of Care

    Using highly focused ultrasound energy or targeted freezing techniques, focal therapy destroys the prostate tumour without damaging adjacent tissue.

    This single day case procedure has minimal risk. It has reported improved post-operative erectile dysfunction and urinary incontinence rates. Approved by NICE for other forms of prostate cancer treatment.

    Patients in this arm will also be offered highly focused radiotherapy (Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy or SABR) treatment directed at metastatic deposits.

  • Prostatectomy & Standard of Care

    Prostatectomy uses the latest keyhole and robotic assisted surgery to remove the whole prostate gland and surrounding affected tissue directly.

    This longstanding surgical techniques has been improved significantly to reduce this to an average 3 hour procedure with an overnight stay in hospital. Approved by NICE in other forms of prostate cancer treatment.

    Patients in this arm will also be offered highly focused radiotherapy (Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy or SABR) treatment directed at metastatic deposits.

  • Radiotherapy & Standard of Care

    A long standing approach to treating aggressive prostate cancer.

    Radiotherapy at curative high dose will be offered to men with advanced disease for the first time.

    Approved by NICE in other forms of prostate cancer treatment.

    Patients in this arm will also be offered highly focused radiotherapy (Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy or SABR) treatment directed at metastatic deposits

  • Standard of Care

    This is the current gold standard NICE approved for all patients with advanced disease. All patients will receive this in additional trial treatments.

    Treatment involves traditional hormone therapy (ADT) combined with new chemotherapy agents that have been proven to improve overall survival. Low dose radiotherapy may also been given to improve symptoms.


Arrowe Park Hospital

Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board

Chelsea & Westminster Hospital

Croydon University Hospital

Glan Clwyd Hospital

Imperial College Healthcare

Newcastle (Freeman) Hospital

QE Hospital, Kings Lynn

Oxford University Hospital

Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital

The Royal Marsden Hospital

Sunderland Royal Hospital

University Hospitals Southampton

West Middlesex Hospital

No man more than 1.5 hours from an ATLANTA centre in England and Wales

  • Publications

    Connor et al. IP2-ATLANTA is launched. BJU International. (2019)

    Connor et al. Cytoreductive Treatment Strategies for de novo metastatic prostate cancer. Nature Review Clin Onc. (2019)

    Connor et al. Survival in Oligometastatic Prostate Cancer—A New Dawn or the Will Rogers Phenomenon? JAMA Oncology. (2019)

  • Trial Registration

    ISRCTN 58401737 identifier: NCT03763253

    CRN National Portfolio Study

    Cancer Research UK Trial Summary

  • Chief Investigator
    Prof. Hashim U. Ahmed

    ATLANTA National Clinical Research Fellow & Sub-Investigator
    Mr Martin J Connor MBBS MSc MRCS

    Mr Taimur Shah MBBS MRCS

    National Trial Manager
    Mrs Johanna Sukumar